Inspiration and Assistance for Special Needs Parents: Juliana’s Journal – embracing life unexpected

Sabrina writes with great knowledge on this subject, providing assistance to get through the stages of learning about special needs and the journey it will take you on. These are great resources and quick reads.
Juliana’s Journal is a place of inspiration for special needs parents and the family & friends who support them.

Blog Site:

Open this link to access Sabrina’s e-book “Forward”:

Source: Book: Forward in Juliana’s Journal – embracing life unexpected

“Forward” Book Features

what you’ll learn from this wonderful e-book:


Navigate your steps for the first days, weeks or months after receiving a special needs diagnosis.


Arm yourself with tools and encouragement to prepare for your role as a care provider.


Understand critical emotional stages to have a better transition into special needs care.


Learn to build the right network so that you are not parenting alone.


Ease financial burdens by being document-ready for scholarships or special funding financial costs.


Know when to cut unnecessary ties so that your child can have the best care and support.


Grasp insight that helps you thrive and not just survive special needs parenting.


Answer the call to action to build your best new normal.